Booking an appointment can be done by giving us a call on the numbers above. Clinic opening hours for Blandford Forum and Yeovil can be found below.
Treatment Prices
Below are our prices for treatments:
- Osteopathy (30 mins) - Yeovil £45
- Osteopathy (30 mins) - Blandford Forum £40
- Cranial osteopathy* (45 mins-1 hour) £40
- Sports Injury Assessment (30 mins) £40
- Sports massage (30 mins) £30
*Cranial Osteopathy not offered in Yeovil
Clinic Opening Hours
- Monday 11:30pm-6pm
- Wednesday 2pm-8pm
- Friday 8am-2pm
- Saturday by appointment only
Ring 01258 459002 or
You can make an appointment online.
- Tuesday 11am-6:30pm
- Thursday 11am-6:30pm
Appointments available outside these hours by request
To make an appointment in Yeovil please phone Ninesprings Natural Health Centre on 01935 422488 ask for an appointment with Chris.